Saturday, 7 July 2007

One Night in Siem Reap

My first visit to Siem Reap. 5 July. Beautiful and authentic. Good manager and nice staff there. Phew! A load off my mind as I know I can rely on the manager there to run the show for me, at least for now.

Night. Met up with a restaurant GM and an agent for dinner. Boy! The first thing we did when we stepped into the restaurant VIP room was a bottoms-up of Angkor beer. Luckily I heeded my friends' previous advice to have bread before drinking. I knew I had to drink a lot that night so I ate lots of rice at the dinner. In the end, had 2 small bottles of Angkor beer before we proceeded to have meet the GM's 2 taiwanese friends and another local agent in a Karaoke room. (First time ever I had to pick a lady companion. Felt a bit disgusted and uneasy at first but what the heck!) Had 4 or 5 glasses of Whiskey + coke, the most I have ever had in my life. And surprisingly I was ok! Not high, not very red, a colour which I usually turn into with only 1 or 2 glass of alcohol. The bread n food must have helped. Plus the sake-(t)raining I had a month ago must have toughened me. Nothing to be proud of, but I'm proud of myself :) Don't worry my friends. I will never sell my liver to the company.

More to come, man!


Blogger I, Cactus said...

on days u dun need to drink, detox ur liver. some of my regional sales mgr drank fruit juices and lots of water on these days to detox. not sure if it helps but no harm trying.

also watch the beer belly.

8 July 2007 at 17:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

11 November 2008 at 05:32  

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